Free software from

The offered pieces of free software were developed by Stelios Hadjitheodoridis (, out of the need to help students visualize taught material, mainly in Physics and Mathematics, at various levels of education. All applications were developed with the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 programming language and, therefore, all require a Microsoft Windows operating system, with the Greek language for non-Unicode applications.

Download the complete collection of 190 free pieces of software (release: July 15, 2023)

Mirror #2

Mirror #3

Mirror #4

Mirror #5


138 simulations in most areas in Physics: kinematics/dynamics, falls from a small height, examples of forces, non-circular motions on a plane, circular motion, two-body systems, gases/liquids, fields, oscillations, waves/1D waves/2D waves, sound/light, Galilean relativity/Einstein's special relativity, Modern Physics

19 simulations in Mathematics: functions, statistics, probabilities, general interest

18 interactive tests in organic Chemistry (in Greek)

4 presentations of general interest in science

5 utility pieces of software

6 educational games/mind-teasers


All of the simulations are equipped with help and most are equipped with extensive explanatory cards/documents/theories.

Most of the applications are made for teaching at the K12 or a higher level.

Many of the applications are written in both Greek and English.


You need to run the self-extracting setup program for the installation of the whole suite of applications.

No password is required.



16. The lifeguard problem

A lifeguard runs to save a swimmer at danger. He runs faster on the sand than he swims in the water. What is the path he should follow so that he reached the person in danger as fast as possible?

Light follows the same law as it refracts (Snell's law).

Hooke's law for ideal springs, comparison of springs and work of the spring force.

The following .zip file contains a collections of true type English-Greek fonts:

In the case that you see question marks in place of Greek characters you should define the language for non-Unicode applications to Greek.


If you feel you should, send a comment or a thanks